On-Demand Webinar

Tea Leaves and Tech: What's in Store for 2024

Stay ahead of the crowd with the latest tactics and trends for product adoption success. Join Chameleon’s CEO and Co-Founder, Pulkit Agrawal, for a glimpse into the future of tech and a peek at the Chameleon roadmap.

Or catch the TL;DR of the webinar 👇

Short on time or only interested in one part? Catch up on the highlights we covered in the three short snippets below—with recommended reads and resources.

99 problems and user onboarding is still one of them

We ran through the three biggest onboarding no-nos that we see time and time again.

  • Frontloading: Resist the urge to show everything off at once
  • Impersonalization: One size really doesn't fit all
  • Interruptions: Let your users learn in peace

The onboarding trends we're excited to see in 2024

It's not all bad news. Those three problems can be fixed easily with contextual and targeted UX patterns—delivered just at the right time. We're excited to see these trends in 2024:

  • AI-powered “chat UI”
  • Choose your own adventure
  • Warehouse-driven personalization
  • Get Started pages
  • Embedded prompts
  • Cross-functional ownership

And a teaser of how Chameleon is embracing these trends...

Our roadmap for this year includes some core improvements to analytics (revamp shipping soon), Microsurveys (more options, multi-question), Launchers (included embedded), and more.

But we’re also innovating and taking some bets on how in-app UX will change over time...

Be a user onboarding trendsetter and reap the revenue with Chameleon

Launch contextual, behavioral-based in-app patterns that delight, rather than frustrate users—and drive real growth.