Announcing Chameleon’s new HubSpot integration

The new Chameleon HubSpot integration has landed in your Dashboard. Discover how it will help you power up your in-product marketing and engage your users.

Pulkit Agrawal
6 min read
Announcing Chameleon’s new HubSpot integration

HubSpot needs no introduction—they’re a SaaS success story. Founded in 2005 in Cambridge, MA, it’s now traded on the NYSE with a soaring stock price and recently hit over 100,000 paying customers. It accelerated the inbound marketing revolution and is used by thousands of companies to help drive marketing campaigns and sales funnels. 

Yet there is a change in the air. Driving growth is no longer all about inbound marketing; “product-led growth” is the preferred flavor for a product-first world. Users can now get inside the product sooner than ever before thanks to the freemium and free-trial models—the evaluation gets started before a human interaction begins. This means that your marketing needs to extend beyond your website and landing pages and flow into the user’s first experience. 

Chameleon helps companies create in-product experiences, for user onboarding, trial conversion, feature activation, and more. And with our revamped HubSpot integration, HubSpot customers can now deeply connect their inbound marketing platform with Chameleon, their product-led growth platform. 

What the integration does

The Chameleon HubSpot integration works in three main ways:

  1. Target Chameleon in-product Experiences based on Smart Lists of users created within HubSpot

  2. Send Chameleon-collected data about how users interact with in-product Experiences to HubSpot, to further target and message users

  3. Launch the HubSpot chat widget from a Chameleon Experience

You can also start a Chameleon product tour/walkthrough from any HubSpot email by including the share link of the Tour. The Chameleon Hubspot integration has been verified by the Hubspot team, is one of the best integrations for connecting email to in-product out there.

Read about how to configure this integration here.

What changed from the existing integration?

While we’ve supported an integration with HubSpot before, this new and improved revamp brings you the following benefits:

🌟 Sync time for Smart Lists down from 24 hours to 6 hours. Changes to list membership flow much quicker to Chameleon which means you can target the right users with confidence.

🌟 Select specific lists to keep in sync with our new integration page. This prevents unnecessary syncing of lists you don’t want to include and keeps the integration performant. 

🌟 View more data about syncs  (e.g. number of users updated) and trigger a manual sync at any time to reload your data.

Why does this matter?

No one channel is perfect for the different types of communication needed between a product and its users. Email has its benefits (great for disengaged users) but is noisy, you’re fighting for engagement in a crowded inbox. In-product communications are real-time and contextual but are only relevant for active users. To create the perfect blend of communication to users, it’s important to choose the right channel for the right message.

HubSpot helps customers see the bigger picture of their users; you can define users based on their activity or demographics. For example, you may have Smart Lists for:

  • Highly qualified prospects

  • In-trial users that have not invited a colleague

  • Users from a particular campaign or event

With the updated integration, you can then leverage these user groups to also provide targeted, personalized, contextual messaging inside your product, using Chameleon. 

Excited to start using HubSpot and Chameleon together? Here are some specific use cases you can experiment with…

5 ways to use Smart Lists with Chameleon

Smart Lists are dynamic groups of users that bring your marketing automation to the next level. You can create lists that users move in and out of based on key actions e.g. their lead qualification score, what pages they’ve visited, and how responsive they are to email communications. Drive forward an omnichannel product marketing strategy with these five use cases:

Increase trial conversion 

Marketing is going on everywhere during the trial period, but teams can make an impact by engaging with users while they’re actively in the product.  Showcase your best marketing content and encourage users to join a “Getting Started” webinar from inside the product. This will engage users in the Smart List and ensure they don’t feel left alone in their first product experiences.

Engagement based on qualification 

Use Hubspot’s built-in lead qualification to create lists of high and lower-value prospects. Offer high-value prospects a 1:1 call using Chameleon (and Calendly) and offer lower-value prospects the chance to join a recurring group demo. Manage both self-serve and concierge onboarding with this integration.

Role-based content 

Create separate lists based on role data that is collected during sign-up and available within HubSpot—then showcase a “How to use <your product> for <this role>” guide. Encourage these users to discover relevant features that will enable them to succeed.

Upsell customers to grow LTV 

It’s crucial that you deepen usage, engagement, and revenue from your existing users. Create a list of users that have been engaged and are prime to discover more—then target those with in-app ads (built with Chameleon) for gated features, to drive upsell. Show users case studies of successful customers on your higher-tiered plans or give them the opportunity to try out these features.

(Instead of hiding advanced features, Mixpanel use Chameleon modals to educate their users on the benefits)

In-app customer marketing 

Allow your customer marketing team to launch new content for customers right inside your product with Chameleon. Delineate customers vs. trialists within Hubspot and use that to show content only to the right audience. Show trial users relevant onboarding content and offer customers the chance to give feedback or try out new beta launches.

Other ways to leverage the integration

In addition to using HubSpot Smart Lists to target Chameleon in-product Experiences, as showcased above, you can also take advantage of the following use cases:

  • Start a chat from HubSpot’s Messenger at the end of a product walkthrough. Use a button in a Chameleon Step to open the HubSpot messenger and address user issues directly from your product. More information on setting that up here.

  • Further categorize users within HubSpot based on whether they engaged with a particular Tour. You can separate those who completed a Welcome Tour from those that exited it, then send those that exited more information via email for them to use at their convenience.

How to get started

If you already have a HubSpot and Chameleon account, then go to your Dashboard to set up the integration. Note the integration is only available to our Growth plan customers, so contact us if you’d like to switch plans. 

You can set up HubSpot for free here to get started with marketing automation. To try Chameleon, create a free account here and start building! You can kick the tires with our sandbox environment (the “Playground”) without a credit card or any installation. Try it now!

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