Freshpaint + Chameleon

Use Freshpaint to install Chameleon in your product, and seamlessly send data between all of your tools

Install Chameleon using Freshpaint

Use as an alternative, or alongside, JavaScript to easily add the Chameleon code snippet to your website or web app

Install Chameleon using Freshpaint

Use Freshpaint as a data source for hyper-targeted Experiences

Sync data from any Freshpaint-connected tool to Chameleon

  • Create subsets of users based on who they are or what they've done, and trigger with relevant in-product experiences
  • Add specific conversion events to better track success
Use Freshpaint as a data source for hyper-targeted Experiences

Use Freshpaint as a data destination to analyze Experience performance

Send Chameleon events to any Freshpaint destination tools

  • Use Chameleon Experience event data in your third-party tools
  • Read Chameleon events in your Freshpaint dashboard for a centralized view of user activity
Use Freshpaint as a data destination to analyze Experience performance

Leverage data from all your favorite tools

Get a complete data toolkit with Freshpaint and Chameleon