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Add your content to the HelpBar

πŸ”Ž Publish your HelpBar

The first phase of the HelpBar is here to help unblock users at every step of the way πŸ™Œ Connect your knowledge base and bring your documentation to your product for users to learn more. You’ll soon be able to add custom links as well as Walkthroughs for even deeper guidance.

The Chameleon HelpBar

πŸ‘‰ Explore how you can leverage the HelpBar in your app and join the waitlist if you want to get early access!

πŸ› Also, we made sure you can export a CSV of just the users who started an Experience, that your Microsurvey responses show up clearly in your Dashboard, and that you can leverage your Salesforce data in Segments efficiently.

Leverage our collective habits

You can use the HelpBar to build on top of a comfortable habit we all use when we feel blocked in a product: searching the page, the app, the document... You can enable different users to find specific answers based on their unique needs.

Boost product adoption and
reduce churn

Get started free in our sandbox or book a personalized call with our product experts